Sampada… a clever, well educated, multi-talented, proper today’s Woman. When compared to all her colleagues, she has a capability of handling challenges; prepared for last moment hurdles; prove her worth at any given point of time. She is a responsible daughter who is a major financial support to her family as well. Above all, she is a very good human being who is well behaved, well-mannered and ethical at any given point of time. But, in some situations, she prefers living in a shell. She neither shares her emotions nor her anguish with the closest of her friends. Though she tries to be normal, she cannot and thanks to this age old problem she has been facing, from more than couple of years.
Sampada is suffering from a Skin problem from 15 years now. Doctors named it as psoriasis and declared it to be a skin problem that would no way affect negative to her skin or health. Neither this problem can be solved in a given time limit, as it takes a lot much time for her to get cured completely. All the exposed areas of her bodyare it face, neck, hands and legs, this problem is quite visible. All this put together, made Sampada to think and be what she actually is not.
She prefers not to go out to as much as Social gatherings, just move along with some set of close friends, and totally transform herself as a introvert.
It is not just Woman like Sampada, who are suffering with a skin problem; many others are actually living in insane. Be it an internal or external problem, it is all about how do we take it and accept the same. Of course, the external problem faced by us has a lot more impact on our life style for one reason being it is visible and our skin is not normal when compared to others. In the changing life style and priorities today, when our appearance becoming the first impression of people judging us, any skin problem right from dark circles to acne to pigmentation or any long term problem, handling the same would definitely be challenge, for those who are facing it.
Answering all those questions from people asking about your problem, some others not willing to move closely with you as per their own analysis of assuming your problem to be ‘contagious’, you being treated as a person not accepted by the society and what not… the situations at times could be even more problematic than the above mentioned.
But, don’t you think, considering all these, you are giving unnecessary importance to all those that don’t even have a meaning. Whatever the problem you are facing, it is you who have to live with it, answer the same and cure it. When no other who can share your emotion or problem, talks about the same and let’s out their opinion on you, ‘Who are they?’
Care a damn about the World that would not stand by you when they don’t understand you. Treat any problem as just a problem and nothing more. You accept your problems and never be in a guilt and hide them. Think and act on curing them rather than cursing yourself for what you are not responsible.
It is your life, your skin and whatever you are, you accept yourself first. Live life, rather than making it a hell!
SunayanaVinay Kumar