It is not just choosing a right brand of make up or using a right make with a proper brush, but also cleaning up the brushes and the sponge used to put on the make-up is important for a healthy skin;
Many have a habit of just keeping the brushes and the sponges used to put on the make up just like that, without cleaning them up and not in the box allotted for them. This way, much of unseen dust is likely to occupy on the brush and the sponge and the next time we use these to put on the make-up, it is very much likely for the dust to make its entry into the pores of your skin. As a result, many skin problems right from pimples to much more will become a hurdle for your beauty. So, it is important to cover the brushes and the sponge used to put on the make-up and at least once in a week, clean them using an anti-bacterial soap.
Especially when you are using the sponges, keep a eye on them if they are breaking into two half... it is better to change the sponge at least once in a month, depending upon the frequency they are used and cleaning up the sponge after every use.
Don't let the brushes and the sponge dry in Sun light. After cleaning up, wrap them up in a tissue and you can just put them on a table not directly but putting on in a tissue. This way, they will not attract any unseen dust as they are not directly kept and would get dried easily as per the temperature.