Will power can make wonders in making impossible to possible... you have seen and may have been with your friends or relatives who posses such a strong mind and willpower… want to develop the same in you? Then;
Never ever negotiate… say, you want to bag a job only in a particular field or a company you have desired… just aim for your dream and fulfill it, no matter how tough it is… and if you are expecting any other's support, emotionally, and being dependent on them, then my dear, forget about getting will power for yourself… this is your life and it is you who need to lead your life… so, stop expecting from others and set your own goals, work for them and make your life a bliss.
Just be your own boss… good or bad, right or wrong, do not ask any other to judge you… life itself is an experience and these include both positive and negative situations… every time you fall, learn how to get up and get going… be your own boss. And always, be prepared for a rainy day… this way, you will definitely inculcate do or die attitude in you…
Just keep short term goals and achieve every of them… this will not only give you immense satisfaction but will definitely boost up your confidence levels that will in turn increase your courage and will power.
There will definitely be a situation when not even your loved ones might take your side in the due course of time… it's okay, you will feel bad… but, you will know how to handle the difficult of situation by your own, and this is the mantra to become stronger.