Novak Djokovic, who maintains a close relationship with the Australian player Bernard Tomic, has accused him (Tomic) saying that, he do not have commitment to the game, after he gave up in the final point of his first-round match against Italian Fabio Fognini at the Madrid Masters.
Speaking over the issue, Djokovic said, “I've seen what he has done. It's not right and I hope he realises that."
"I'm just hoping for him, because over the last couple of years I got to know him better and he's a good guy, he's a good person, but he's just failing to be committed to this sport as it is required."
Tomic was was criticized, when he held his racquet by the strings and pointed the handle at the net as he failed to offer a return on Pakistan.
Not stopping there, when quizzed on Wednesday, the situation was inflamed after the Australian showed little remorse for his actions.
"I don't care about that match point, Would you care if you were 23 and worth over $10 million?", Tomic said.
By Phani Ch