Energy level

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  • Ayurveda, Naturopathy, health care, Energy level

    Health Care 08 June 2013

    A number of tips are being given by many in taking care of physical health like Yoga, Naturopathy, walking, cycling, laughing, simple Ayurvedic tips using the normal ingredients of food available in the kitchen and many more. What is health...

    Keywords: sickenss, Shakti Sampanna, sickenss, sickenss

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    fibre and vitamin C, Best Foods Will Improve Your Stamina, foods that will improve your stamina, Energy level

    Foods That Will Improve Your Stamina 01 September 2012

    While certain foods in your diet can actually reduce stamina, healthy foods help to build up your stamina and increase your energy level, especially if you're interested in sports and athletics. As a sportsperson, you need foods that are designed...

    Keywords: sports and athletics, sports and athletics, increase your energy level, "Nutrients like complex carbs

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    longevity, Ujay breath, heard what leander says about fitness, Energy level

    Heard what Leander says about fitness? 15 February 2012

    What makes Leander what he is today at 38? The question was exposed by an online media source, which is brought to you for enrichment. But much has gone into the player to top the list and do pride to...

    Keywords: Ujay breath, Ujay breath, longevity, Ujay breath

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    Stress release, Stress release, back to work within 5 minutes, Energy level

    Back to work within 5 minutes 16 April 2013

    If you want to get relieved from your stress within 5 - 10 minutes, here are the quick tips; Stretch your body. This does not mean you should do yoga or something. Turning twisting your head in both the directions...

    Keywords: relaxation, Stress release, tips to relieve stress, positive thinking

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    gym, throughout the day, feel up throughout the day, Energy level

    Feel 'up' throughout the day... 05 June 2012

    'Very nice to listen and read, but difficult to put in practice... is this a ad or something to feel 'up' all the day?'  if you have thought something similar as soon as you had a glance at the title,...

    Keywords: throughout the day, gym, exercise, energy levels

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    beet root, carrot juices, energetic from am to pm, Energy level

    Energetic from am to pm 22 March 2013

    If you want to work with the same energy levels all through the day or possess the same mind set, not reacting to the situations much, you need to keep a check on what you are eating; Of course, it...

    Keywords: good health tips, beet root, energy levels, energy levels

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    foods to eat before sports, Ideal foods before games, sports players need consistent energy, Energy level

    Sports players need consistent energy 05 August 2013

    To achieve that, individuals can follow certain do and don'ts before any game. Sports players need to eat the right foods before jumping into a strenuous game, so that the energy levels are maintained on an even keel. Do have...

    Keywords: Sport players, Sport players, foods for sports players, foods to eat before sports

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    Chaturvarnas, energy levels, health care 2, Energy level

    Health Care-2 12 June 2013

    We have learnt in the first part that the energy level in one's physical body keeps one healthy.   Human beings can be categorized into four (Chaturvarna).   The description has nothing to do with the caste system observed in India...

    Keywords: Vaisya, Chaturvarnas, internal energy levels, physical body

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