Mira Nair, the renowned NRI film maker, has come out with a latest flick 'The Reluctant Fundamentalist,' which is said to be a thriller. Versatile actors Shabana Azmi and Ompuri have played lead roles in this art movie, which will be screened at the 69th edition of Venice Film Festival in August.
Talking about the movie, Mira Nair said the story revolves around a young Pakistani national, who wants to reach the zenith in corporate world at Wall Street. The man later finds himself in a fix when the situation comes wherein he had to choose between his business dream and family at homeland. There are also some foreign actors in this film. The Reluctant Fundamentalist would be the centre stage of the festival since festival would be opened with the screening of the movie.
Venice Film Festival director, Alberto Barbera said the festival organizers decided to open it with Mira Nair's film as it was an adaptation of novel. It may be noted that Mira Nair entered reel world in in 1988 with Salaam Bombay, which was nominated for Oscar. It's undoubtedly a moment of pride for all Indians that an NRI's film is going to be screened at the famous film festival.
(AW Phani)