The World Telugu Meet has begun on Saturday at London to a grand note. The meet was started by the Britain foreign minister Alister Bhat. Congress MP Chiranjeevi is attending this two day meet wherein eminent Telugus from all over the World are meeting. Chiranjeevi added extra colours and pride to the meeting by marking his presence amidst a rare gathering of talent, intellect and personality.
The two-day meet willthrow focus on the importance of Telugu language and the need and to strengthen its case as a classical language. The meeting, which has started today, will conclude on Sunday. As a part of the programme, a small group of scholars from Andhra Pradesh would study talapatralu (leaflets containing ancient Telugu scriptures). Prabhakar Kaza, the president of the organizing committee has said that the findings would be debated among the elite gathering after which the final report would be submitted to the state government.
AW Phani