The Additional Sessions Court in Delhi asked an NRI (non resident Indian) to pay an alimony of Rs. 33,000 per month to the seperated wife, who is currently residing in Delhi. Puneet Arora, who is currently living in Canada, should pay the said money towards the maintenance of his wife in India on 10th day of every month with immediate effect.
Earlier, the petitioner approached the Magistrate Court, which ordered her husband to pay the same amount (Rs. 33,000) as alimony but the payment date would start from August 5. Modifying the Magistrate Court's judgment, Additional Session Judge directed Puneet to pay Rs. 33,000 from the next month.
The petitioner, in her plea, mentioned that she was married to one Puneet Arora on September 15, 2009. She said it was an arranged marriage and her parents shelled out large amount to Puneet as dowry. After the wedding, Puneet left for Canada in two weeks and she had to wait for six months to reach her husbands home in Canada after getting visa, said the woman. She said she was subjected to ill treatment including physical torture. Also, she alleged an illicit relationship between her husband and another woman in Canada. Within a few months, she said she was forced to leave Canada. She has been staying at her parent's home without any monetary help from her separated partner.
(AW Phani)