When it comes to money, there's absolute unity among AP legislators. Not even a hint of divide, regional or otherwise. Quick to emulate their illustrious peers in Parliament, MLAs/MLCs have decided to legislate for themselves a steep hike in their salaries.
Opposition to the bill is highly unlikely when it is moved in the winter session of the Assembly which starts from Nov. 15. And there wouldn't be any need for a fast, even a farcical one, to fulfil this dream.
The proposal is to hike the monthly salaries of MLAs/MLCs from the present Rs 40,000, inclusive of all allowances, to Rs 1 lakh - a 150% hike.
"Chief minister K Rosaiah has given the nod for the salary hike and the file on the draft bill is being moved fast to ensure formalities are completed as quickly," a source told.
In case a legislator does not occupy the official accommodation, the monthly house rent allowance (HRA) of Rs 3,000 is to be hiked based on the recommendations of the finance department. A hike in the medical reimbursement, telephone allowance and secretary allowance is also on the cards. Some hot wheels are also in store: MLAs/MLCs will henceforth be entitled to interest-free loans to buy that dream car.
The hike will also benefit ex-MLAs. At present, a single-term MLA gets a monthly pension of Rs 4,000 and a two-term legislator Rs 6,000 and this increases accordingly. The last salary hike for the legislators was in 2007.
MLAs defended the proposed hike, pointing out that those in Delhi, Arunachal Pradesh, Gujarat and J&K get much higher salaries. And for those yet unconvinced, the hard-working lawmakers threw in the statistics that the state's budget is bigger than even Bangaladesh and hence AP's MLAs/MLCs definitely deserve more.