Delhi Court believes that, those men on whom the fake rape cases are filed, are to be protected. The court is considering to enact a law in this regard.
Speaking on the issue, the judge, Nivedita Anil Sharma said, “No one discusses about the dignity and honour of a man…all are fighting only for the rights, honour and dignity of women. Where is the law to protect a man from such a woman where he is being persecuted and implicated in false cases? Perhaps, now it is time to take a stand for a man’’.
Pherudin alias Pheru Khan, who was earlier accused upon rape charges, acquitted after finding that the charges are fake. The complainant, who earlier filed a rape case against the man, now filed a petition that she has no objection, if FIR is quashed saying that, sexual contact was made by “free consent and sweet will”.
It is thus evident that she has filed a fake rape case against Pherudin. The complaint read that, in 2013, she was assaulted by him, while she was alone at her house.
Author’s view
As the several women in the society are facing sexual assault issues at every place, the laws have become stricter. Taking this as an advantage, women like mentioned above, are filing wrong cases against men.
Due to the acts like these, even the innocent women, who are really sexually assaulted would find tough to make the law, believe.
On the other side, not strictly believing in women’s complaint, the police officials should inquire the case in all the possible ways, and only then should proceed against the men.
Finally, an initiative from Delhi court, to concern about men’s dignity and honour is being considered as a good start. Hope it would be properly implemented in the coming days.
By Phani Ch