The NDA government has four new Governors and transferred two, who had been appointed during the tenure of the previous UPA government. A Rashtrapati Bhawan comminuque said that the Governor of Jharkhand Syed Ahmed has been shifted to Manipur.
The new governors are
V Shanmughnatha – Meghalaya
Droupadi Murmu – Jharkhand
Thathagatha Roy – Tripura
J P Rakhowa – Arunachal Pradesh
Transferred Governors
Syed Ahmed from Jharkhand to Manipur
Lt Gen (retd) Nirbhay Sharma from Arunachal Pradesh to Mizoram
The appointment of Governors came after a long time of the post being kept vacant. As usual the people appointed as Governors are selected from the active members of the ruling party. Every government lambasts on the need of appointment of apolitical figures as Governors. But when they come to power, they appoint their own party men as Governors. There are still vacancies of Governor in the states of Bihar, Assam, Telangana and Himachal Pradesh.
By Premji