Senior Rajya Sabha member Sharad Yadav continues his rant on women. While discussing on insurance bill he talked about women’s colour and body, which is not at all related to the subject matter on discussion. Previously also on many occasions he has made women as his subject of discussion. Under attack for sexist remarks, JD(U) leader Sharad Yadav on Monday remained unapologetic for his comments on women's complexion. "What have I said ... 'saanvli' (dark complexioned) women are more in number in India, they are more in number the world over. I am ready to debate with anyone on the struggle of (Ram Manohar) Lohia and others for them," he said in Rajya Sabha.
"I appeal to the gentleman (Yadav) not to make comments on colour of skin of women in this manner. Very wrong message is going," HRD Minister Smriti Irani said. Deputy Chairman P J Kurien said he would not allow a discussion on the issue. "I am not allowing any discussion ... white or dark colour, it is all the same," he said. Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad dissociated himself from comments made by Yadav last week. "I dissociate myself from those remarks. I completely disassociate and disapprove of the remarks... I appeal to Sharad Yadav to kindly withdraw his comments."
The reluctant Sharad Yadav continues to objectify women in his style and in one point of time he shouted at HRD Minister Smriti Irani, “I know what you are, who you are…” It is to be noted that the Mayavathi who talks about dalits only for the sake of votes was sitting side by of Shri Yadav but has not attempted to stop him from the jibes against women. It is time for the women to rise against these unruly members of the Rajya Sabha and kick them out of the elder’s house.
By Premji