Prof. KC Reddy accorded cabinet status

September 08, 2011 21:14
Prof. KC Reddy accorded cabinet status

KSReddyProf. KC Reddy, who was appointed vice chairman of the newly launched government scheme ‘Rajiv Yuva Kiranalu’, has been accorded cabinet status today by the Chief Minister Mr Kirankumar reddy. The government issued orders to this effect this evening.

‘Rajiv Yuva Kiranalu’ is the prestigious project of the state government aimed at providing job opportunities to the unemployed in the state. Kirankumar is the chairman of the programme while Prof. Reddy will look after the day-to-day activities to be undertaken in the project.

Mr KC Reddy got recognition of his services during his previous assignment as the Chairman of the Higher Education Council. He introduced several reforms in the higher education.


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