The NDA government is on its shoes to make Prime Minister Narendra Modi's mission of 'Swatch Bharat' [Clean India] by 2019 a reality. The Union government held a meeting ministers of all states yesterday in Delhi and has directed them to meet the target of Clean India as per the deadline and also assured that the Central government will provide sufficient funding for this.
After Modi's Independence Day speech, several corporates biggies also came forward to participate in this mission. The Bharti Foundation and Tata Consultancy Services pledge Rs 100 crore each from their respective CSR funds to build toilets in schools across the country. Union Minister for Drinking Water and Sanitation Nitin Gadkari said that government undertaking NTPC will also put a hand in this mission and has promised to construct 1,000 toilets across the nation.
Gadkari said there won't be any dearth of funds for this mission and according the states should show the results. In addition to this the current allocation of Rs 10,000 for toilet in Rural areas will be increased.
(AW: Vamshi)