Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has rubbished all the allegations of Rashtriya Janata Dal [RJD] supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav that he conspired for the RJD split. Speaking to the media Nitish said, “all the allegations are baseless. I have nothing to do with RJD and in their own party, MLAs have differences and so have opted to come out.”
Nonetheless, Nitish welcomed all the MLAs to his party if they want to join Janata Dal (United). Meanwhile Lalu rushed to Bihar from Delhi this morning to do damage control and has also reached out to his old friend and Lok Janshakti Party president Ram Vilas Paswan.
On Monday around 13 legislators out of 22 from the RJD party met Bihar Assembly speaker Uday Narain Choudhary and asked them to recognise as separate group.
(AW: Vamshi)