Fox News has projected that with the lead Barrack Obama has secured today with the decision making majority over Mitt Romney in the Ohio battleground, President Obama is almost sure to win the presidential elections this year. Soon after his position has been put on a pedestal with the wins registered from Iowa and Oregan taking him well over the 270 mark which is required to win the elections.
Mitt Romney has been off the mark with his purple victory at North Carolina (projected victory), turning the tables in his favor as an answer to Obama's swing state win on Tuesday. Swing-state, battleground state or purple state victories are where neither of the candidates have a overwhelming support.
Earlier Fox News has projected that Romney would make his mark in the state where Democrats held their 2012 convention which would put 15 electoral-votes in his basket.
Obama however has a big advantage of being in the lead previously too. He bagged the Pennsylvania battleground, which can be attributed to his early presence for a campaign than his opponent Republican Mitt Romney. Other Purple States that support Obama are New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Michigan.
Earlier when the polling in states like Nevada, Iowa, Colorado, Florida, Ohio and Virginia closed the results were too close to call.
In safe grounds for Romney, he has claimed victories at Utah, Montana, Arizona, Missouri, Idaho, Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas, West Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Indiana and Kentucky.
Obama also has a large number of safe-land wins at his home state of Illinois, California, Hawaii, Washington, Minnesota, New Mexico, Maine, New York, Delaware, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont and the District of Columbia.
(AW- Anil)