Honor Killings are a big menace to this developed society, but naturally a comprehensive law is just not the end of the road, realization of all involved definitely helps the society.
The case in Patna in which Nazneen Bano (22) a M Sc student was found dead in her residence on Friday took a serious turn on a complaint. The stunning revelations into the case just highlighted the `honor killings’ are on the rampage in the Indian society. As per reports the young woman’s mother had strangled her to death for having married against her wishes. The onlookers were astonished as the mother Shalima Bano, arrested on Sunday confessed today of the grueling incident. The case weird turn when the girl’s lover Mahfooz lodged an FIR stating that the death was honor killing.
Mahfooz informed police that Nazneen had even filed a petition before the court of additional chief judicial magistrate at Danapur on April 17, apprehending her parents might eliminate her. Nazneen and Mahfooz were studying in the same college in Khagaul, where they fell in love and decided to get married. According to a police official, Nazneen was first hit on the head while asleep and then strangulated. “Prima facie, it appears that she was killed after she eloped with Mahfooz and married on April 16,”he added.
This is not a rare incident and mostly such stories are frequenting in media glare but nothing much is done. For instance today headlines included an honor killing at Karnal in Haryana where Ashu Chautani was hacked to death while he was on his way back home from tuitions on April 18 by Gagandeep, Vishal, and Adarsh. They were hired by one Mukesh who stays in New Zealand, as Ashu had an affair with his sister.
In another incident at Ramanthapuram in Tamil Nadu, the ugly monster raises its hood. Four years back alleged honour killing took place in Kaliyur village after 17-year-old Thiruselvi eloped with her boyfriend Danielraj and later returned home with suspected chicken pox. Claiming that the girl had succumbed to the ailment around midnight on June 5, 2008, the caste Hindu family buried the body before dawn. Girl’s mother and grandmother had forcibly killed the victim.
The whole issue sounds ridiculous and cumbersome, but one thing is for sure that `there is no honor in killing someone’. In most cases the rife is on caste basis and the girl is victimized by her own family. For a moment just give a thought, how kind of us to burn the beautiful rose which we have nourished all through, just because its thorns prick us. (With inputs from internet- AarKay)