Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha today regretted her party’s tie up with actor Vijayakant-led DMDK in the last elections.
Jaya made the statement regretting the tie up with DMDK after exchanging fiery war of words with Vijayakant over the hike in bus fares and milk prices last year. Vijayakant and his party MLAs gestured awkwardly towards the Chief Minister during the exchange of allegations on the issue.
The exchange of words between the MLAs of both parties has finally turned into an exchange of allegations between Jayalalitha and Vijayakant.
After Vijayakant made some questionable gestures at treasury benches, Jaya described his behaviour as obnoxious and lowly. “The behaviour of Vijayakant does not befit the stature of an opposition leader,” Jaya said in her scathing attack.
The Speaker then ordered the eviction of all DMDK members saying their behaviour was not in line with the ethos of the House and referred the matter to the privileges committee.
“Even without DMDK’s support, we would have won last year’s Assembly elections as people had made up their mind to end the DMK regime. DMDK was fortunate enough to have alliance with us and gain the status of main opposition party in the house and I regret the tie up now” she said later. (JUBS)