A proverb in Telugu says that a person eat non-vegetarian food will not hang the bones in the neck. The context of course is different. It says that you never show your real intentions out.
But in a new trend fashion wear, the guys and gals are seen wearing food stuffs on their clothes- Not literally!
When the whole world is going gaga over food, why fashion stay far behind!As a tribute to the growing number of foodies across the globe and their ever-growing love for all things food, international fashion designers and design houses have come up with a collection that is purely inspired by food and food alone.
Designers have launched a collection of women attire with foot-inspired motifs like cupcakes and candies. Not just the clothes, even accessories like clutches, bags and jewellery seems to be inspired by food completely.
Even for men, designers have come up with interesting food prints that would make even Homer Simpson drool with delight. Fatty comfort food like sausages and burgers are making their way into tees and shirts, blending food with fashion like never before.