Experiencing mother hood is not a bliss for all… could be unhealthy relationship with family and spouse, pregnancy being a hurdle to career, just want some more time to handle this new responsibility in your life or you are just not ready for it... there are infinite reasons you are not ready for pregnancy...
Of course, it is your life and don’t care a damn about what rest World has to think on you getting or not getting pregnant… for your clarity at least, just know when and at what time you is better for you to plan your motherhood for raising your kid in a right manner;
Age does play an important role in getting pregnant. Whether you are fit for your age, and whether or not you look like your age, your body indeed knows exactly how old you are. Your reproductive system knows it, too.
The optimum age for fertility for women begins at the age of 18. Until about the age of 25, women will be at their most fertile, and most likely to get pregnant. Beginning around 25 or 26, a woman’s fertility starts to decline. This decline is relatively gradual for the next ten years, however. It is not until the age of 35 that the process of losing fertility begins to speed up more rapidly. By the time a woman reaches the age of 40, she is exponentially more likely to have problems getting pregnant. In fact, around 2/3 of women who are over the age of 40 will have issues with infertility of some sort or another.
To be sure, statistics are just statistics. It is possible, obviously, to become pregnant before the age of 18. In fact, a woman can become pregnant as soon as she starts to ovulate. In some girls, this can occur as early as age 11. On the other end of things, it is definitely possible for a woman who is 50 to become pregnant. In fact, a woman can become pregnant right up until she stops ovulating (which is generally indicated by the onset of menopause).
Men’s bodies work a little differently. Male fertility is generally high all the way until they are near the end of their thirties. By the age of 50, around a third of men will experience a decrease in the amount or number of sperm that are produced. Still, two thirds of men will not experience any loss of fertility until they are even much older than that.
Having said all of this, the “best” age for getting pregnant may or may not be when you are most fertile. Getting pregnant at 18, for example, can create a variety of problems, as can getting pregnant later in life. It may not be ideal for a woman to become pregnant when she is most fertile. She may wish to spend some time working on her career or pursuing advanced educational goals before becoming pregnant. Therefore, the “best” age is really up to the individuals involved.