Do you often feel stressed out early in the morning due to the extra effort you put in to reach your office? The one who starts his day with rush will be the one who will never find mental peace in his life. Wrapped up in day-to-day mechanical life, one is facing tough time breaking the shell of the stress. That’s the reason why weekend parties gained so much momentum. You don’t really need them as long as you welcome your morning with a cool mind. Here are seven best ways to start everyday refreshed.
1. Keep your alarm clock away:
Hand moving automatically towards the head of alarm clock has been a daily affair to most of us each morning the little peace shouts to remind us the upcoming day. Since restraining yourself from hitting on the head of alarm clock is a hard nut to crack, it is advisable to keep your alarm clock away from you, may be on the table or in the shelf. Always remember that snoozing alarm is always a bad habit.
2. Deep breathe:
Take a deep breathe, sit and relax for a couple of minutes before you move out of bed. Never jump out of bed in hurry. You should have good respect for morning and welcome the same by taking deep breathes and peeping out of windows to feel the cool breeze and green plants. These five senses of a person can make him feel refreshed if you pamper them for a few minutes in the morning hours.
3. Surroundings:
Surroundings always play a key role in refreshing the moods of a person. You should keep your surrounding clean and green.
The remaining four ways include avoiding caffeine, having breakfast, exercising and sitting in right posture. Adhere to these six ways and see the change in your life. (Phani)