Nokia, the Finnish handset maker, on Tuesday launched Lumia 1320 and Lumia 525, thus expanding its range of smartphones. Lumia 1320, the 6-inch phablet, has been priced at Rs 23,999 and can be bought from mobile stores from January 13 onwards, and Lumia 525, the four-inch smartphone, is available from today at Rs 10,399.
Nokia India Director (Marketing) Viral Oza while talking to reporters said that Lumia 1320 and Lumia 525 are integral additions to Nokia's Windows Phone portfolio. The two new devices have made smartphones more affordable as the Nokia Lumia range is at present available from Rs 7,500 to Rs 46,900, Oza added.
Lumia 1320 comes with 8 GB internal user memory (expandable up to 64GB), 1GB RAM, and seven GB SkyDrive cloud storage. This phablet features 1.7Ghz Dual-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. Its other features include 5 MP back camera, 0.3 MP VGA front camera and comes with 3400 mAh battery.
The Lumia 525 on the other hand runs on 1 GHz dual core Snapdragon processor, besides having features like 5MP camera and 1430mAh battery. Moreover, Lumia 525 can run latest applications like Spartan Assault and Instagram.
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(AW: Pratima Tigga)