The much awaited affordable Lumia 520 by Nokia has finally rolled out into the Indian market on Saturday. Announced by Nokia in March, Lumia 520 comes at a price tag of just Rs. 10,500. It has got Windows 8 operating system and comes in five attractive colours. The 4-inch big display is yet another attractive feature that makes Nokia fans go gaga over this beautiful piece.
Nokia Lumia 520 even supports micro SIM besides an expandable memory of 64 GB. The phone's internal memory is 8GB. The phone even boasts of good battery back up. Although available in different colours, the panels of this phone can be changeable. So far we haven't come across the performance of this phone. We would soon update you about Nokia Lumia 520 performance. Nokia fans can, however, purchase this phone without a single thought for it looks truly attractive.
(AW Phani)