The much awaited Nokia Lumia 620, the cheapest windows 8 phone's release got pushed into the pipeline. This phone was supposed to hit Indian markets in the first week of January itself. But due to some reasons, the phone's released was pushed further and now the company sources said that the launched would be delayed due to unspecified reasons. The cost of Lumia 620 was said to be Rs. 11,000. So far the basic model Nokia Windows 8 phone, Lumia 610 itself is over Rs. 12,000. Compared to 610, 620 looks more attractive.
With a 3.8 inch touch screen, Nokia Lumia has a clear black LCD screen display and has a 480x800 pixel resolution. It runs on 1GHz Snapdragon processor. To all those who have been waiting for Nokia Lumia 620, the news that it got delayed further might bring disappointment. But nothing to worry friends as Lumia 620 would presumably launched very soon. Keep visiting Andhra Wishesh for more technology news as we are obsessed with technology just like you!
(AW Phani)