Women lifestyle

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  • Legal rights for women, Women rights, lady thatcher to be honoured with state funeral, Women lifestyle

    Lady Thatcher to be honoured with State funeral 08 December 2011

    Margaret Thatcher is to be given the ultimate accolade of a State funeral when she reaches the end of her days – the first British Prime Minister since Winston Churchill to be afforded such an honour. But the possibility of...

    Keywords: Women officer india, Women rights, Women officer india, Lady thatcher

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    Communication skills, Slader, are you a back biter know yourself, Women lifestyle

    Are you a back biter? Know yourself... 25 May 2012

    Many times, it so happens that we do not know what is our personality trait exactly, and with the love towards us, we start estimating ourselves at a major extent that is even beyond a reality... here are some examples...

    Keywords: women lifestyle, Slader, Personality development, Yourlifestyle

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    women lifestyle India, , why do they come in our mind, Women lifestyle

    Why do they come in our mind? 08 December 2011

    We assume to be perfectly alright, our thought process to be correct and our life style to be the best. But, still we lose confidence at times, assume or predict our near future to be the worst, fear of not...

    Keywords: women lifestyle India, , Health tips for women,

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    yoga, beauty, let everyday be yours, Women lifestyle

    Let everyday be yours 25 March 2013

    Yoga, exercise, taking a break from work, going out for a coffee, talking with friends, we do everything and anything in these, almost every day to manage our mood swings and to keep away from reacting to any situation that...

    Keywords: yoga, children, yoga, daily lifestyle

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    karva chauth married women, karva chauth married women, karva chauth a heart warming ritual, Women lifestyle

    Karva Chauth: A heart warming ritual 02 November 2012

    Today the married women of north India will fast till moon rise, till they see the face of  their husbands through the tiny holes of a sieve along with the glittering moon. Today it is  Karwa Chauth , a festival...

    Keywords: karva chauth celebrations, karva chauth womens, karva chauth, rituals

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    Be positive tips, Confidence, be positive, Women lifestyle

    ‘Be Positive’? 30 December 2011

    When was the last time you heard a talk or a suggestion that suggested you to be positive? Be it in office meetings, personality development or any other training sessions, meditation or yoga classes or a simple discussion with your...

    Keywords: Be positive tips, positive mind set., women lifestyle today, personality developement

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    family, family, the other side of the coin, Women lifestyle

    The other side of the coin 16 March 2013

    We have seen a girl child being discriminated, being killed and ill-treated all through her life, not just by the society but by her own family and life partner as well. But, there is a place called khaasi in Meghaalaya...

    Keywords: groom, couples, marriage, family

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    motherhood, communication, manage your thoughts for a better you, Women lifestyle

    Manage your thoughts for a better you 22 January 2013

    We women are no less than Men. In fact, many organizations prefer hiring Women employees, especially in the support departments like Human Resources and Administration as Women are best known to handle these with an ease. When it comes to...

    Keywords: communication, women hood, communication, office dress code

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    tips for body confident, tips for health., live your dream for a better life, Women lifestyle

    Live your dream for a better life! 20 January 2012

    Living life is and art… could be our situations or certain UN avoidable responsibilities, we just accept and adjust our life according to the situation. But, for sure there would come some point in almost every one of our lives,...

    Keywords: tips for health., tips for yoga, tips to lose weight, tips for body confident

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    tips for women, women lifestyle, when life is stagnant, Women lifestyle

    When ‘life’ is stagnant! 17 February 2012

    ‘Move on’. One of our favorite words and quotes we use. And no matter what, life has to just ‘Move on’, so do we. But, there would be a time in our life, is it professionally or even at a...

    Keywords: lifestyle plans, lifestyle plans, Lifestyle, lifestyle today

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    motherhood, school, are you being a right parent, Women lifestyle

    Are you being a right parent? 19 March 2013

    Is your kid is either busy on computer or studying because there is no other option to avoid or playing video games??? Is this the only life style or daily routine of your kids? Then there is reasons to worry…...

    Keywords: studying, games, home work, parents

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    best couple ever, marriage life women, vexed up with ex, Women lifestyle

    Vexed up with ‘Ex’? 15 December 2011

    Who does not make mistakes in life? So did we by being in a relationship with that wrong person who is perfectly not suited to our life and mind set. After realizing the same, we chose to part ways with...

    Keywords: marriage life women, women lifestyle, arranged marriage., arranged marriage.

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    kitchen women, women pilot, have some work in life, Women lifestyle

    Have some WORK in life 10 December 2012

    Woman are no less than men... in fact, they are much better in handling things than men.' these statements are true to much extent, but not all women have a privilege of stepping out of home and work. forget about...

    Keywords: women office work, women office, working women, working women

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    fashion designing india, Bridal dress selection, offer a second life to your bridesmaid dresses, Women lifestyle

    Offer A Second Life To Your Bridesmaid Dresses 08 December 2011

    When it comes to a wedding, not just the bride to be is worried about the big day but her family and friends too are. And when it comes to searching for the wedding dress only the bride can tell...

    Keywords: dress for bride, fashion designing india, Bridal dress selection, dress for bride

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    tips for yoga, tips for relationships, know the unanswered, Women lifestyle

    Know the unanswered! 09 April 2012

    Past six months of my life are a hell and what more it could be? Things were not at all going well at Office… Manager has become a disaster to my life… I am constantly in a thought that I...

    Keywords: women lifestyle, women lifestyle, tip sfor beauty, tips for yoga

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    Peaceful life, Peaceful life, power of reality, Women lifestyle

    Power of ‘Reality’! 16 February 2012

    ‘Real’ be it in life or various situations we face in our life as such, has many times been not so easy to accept. But the funda for a peaceful life is to accept whatever the reality is, be it...

    Keywords: , Lifestyle, Lifestyle,

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    Women lifestyle, Office work hours, does the entire world is expecting from you, Women lifestyle

    Does the entire World is expecting from YOU? 22 May 2012

    Every day morning I am ready to kick start the day and I see right from my partner to my family and even my boss, expecting a lot from me… and me being 'calm' tops the list of their expectations…...

    Keywords: women at work place, Stress releafe tips, Office work hours, Office work hours

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    women lifestyle today, Love and Relationships, live for a purpose live in today, Women lifestyle

    Live for a purpose… live in today! 10 April 2012

    Someone rightly said, ‘Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery… only today is in you’… let us precise the last statement even more and say ‘NOW’ is in your hands and live ‘NOW’ first along with planning towards tomorrow… here...

    Keywords: lifestyle life style, lifestyle life style, lifestyle life style, goal setting tips

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    best food for women, women fashion tips, past hurdle to future, Women lifestyle

    ‘PAST’ – Hurdle to future? 12 December 2011

    Anvesha, a smart intelligent and Today’s Woman. She is a Engineer by profession, working in one of the best MNC’s, earning 5 figured salary, and her name is now recommended by higher officials to handle the project from client’s place....

    Keywords: women fashion tips, best food for women, lipsticks, hair style tips

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    alcohol, infertility, life style influences fertility in women, Women lifestyle

    Life Style Influences Fertility in Women? 12 December 2013

    Survey says- Yes!  As infertility rate is observed alarmingly, a survey was conducted at Delhi by Dr.Shivani Gour on 100 women in different age groups.  The age groups selected were less than 25 years, 25 to 29 years, 30 to...

    Keywords: infertility, fertility test, Indian women, AMH test

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