• Corruption, Centre for Media Studies, ap stands second in corruption says study, Studies

    AP Stands Second In Corruption? : Says Study 29 April 2017

    As per the survey, conducted by an organization, Andhra Pradesh has emerged as the second-most corrupt state, among the 20 states. Some interesting facts were revealed by the Centre for Media Studies, foremost of which was that, the overall corruption...

    Keywords: Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Bribe, Centre for Media Studies

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    natural health, mushroom health facts, live long live healthy live happy with cancer fighting mushrooms, Studies

    Live long, live healthy, live happy with Cancer fighting Mushrooms... 02 March 2013

    In a study conducted by Dr. Shoji Shibata, a professor at Tokyo University , several other well known cancer-fighting and immune-boosting mushrooms were compared to the ABM, including Reishi and Shitake. Some important reasons why we must eat Mushrooms... Mushrooms...

    Keywords: mushrooms, good health, Mushrooms good for health, Tokyo University

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    Breast Cancer breaking news, Breast Cancer chemicals, factors that increase the risk of breast cancer, Studies

    Factors that increase the risk of Breast Cancer 26 July 2021

    Factors that increase the risk of Breast Cancer:- All the common chemicals that are used in the consumer products, food additives, pesticides and drinking water contaminants will leave the tissues in the breast to produce more hormones estrogen and this...

    Keywords: Breast Cancer chemicals, Breast Cancer new study, Breast Cancer because of chemicals, Breast Cancer new articles

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    development of new drugs, dna, cancer gene database released for all, Studies

    Cancer gene database released for all 17 July 2013

    NCI mentioned in a statement on Monday, National Cancer Institute (NCI) scientists have released the largest-ever database of cancer-related genetic variations making available to researchers the most extensive way so far to figure out how to target treatments for the...

    Keywords: chemotherapy, dna, genome studies, dna

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    Canada, Indian students to UK, interest in the us for higher studies dips students looking for canada and uk, Studies

    Interest in the US for Higher Studies Dips: Students Looking for Canada and UK 20 August 2020

    Interest in the US for Higher Studies Dips: Students Looking for Canada and UK:- With the new rules tightened by USA President Donald Trump, a lot of aspirants who had the USA as their first option on their list of...

    Keywords: Indian students USA, Indian students to Canada, Canada, UK

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    Senior Food Studies and Surveys Officer, Bobby Krishna, a blade inside a slice of pizza, Studies


    A customer was left to consider deeply his slice of fortune after ordering a pizza meal and finding an ingredient he could hardly have imagined yes it a blade without anyone suffering an injury. In fact, the incident saw an...

    Keywords: chicken pizza, Senior Food Studies and Surveys Officer, chicken pizza, chicken pizza

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    mcafee, james lewis, cybercrime costs unreasonable for the global economy, Studies

    Cybercrime costs unreasonable for the global economy 23 July 2013

    A study released on Monday brought into prominence that cybercrime undergoes expenditure for the global economy between US$100 billion and US$500 billion (S$127 billion and S$633 billion) annually. The study known to have acknowledged more data is needed for precise...

    Keywords: united states economy, business data theft., nonsensical yet true, mcafee

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    Eating more Tomatoes research, Eating more Tomatoes articles, eating more tomatoes here it is what happens, Studies

    Eating more Tomatoes: Here it is what happens? 28 February 2022

    Eating more Tomatoes: Here it is what happens?:- Tomato is a vegetable which is also found in salads, sweet and other dishes. It can be taken raw and many enjoy the taste of it. Tomato is a rich source of...

    Keywords: Tomatoes disadvantages, Tomatoes advantages, Eating more Tomatoes articles, Eating more Tomatoes research

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    cancer treatments, open access worldwide, world s largest cancer gene database open up for public, Studies

    World's Largest cancer gene database open up for public 16 July 2013

    NCI mentioned in a statement on Monday, National Cancer Institute (NCI) scientists have released the largest-ever database of cancer-related genetic variations making available to researchers the most extensive way so far to figure out how to target treatments for the...

    Keywords: cancer researchers., nci, world's largest cancer gene database open up for public, genomics

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    Kanyadan, HPV studies need virgin blood, request for virgin blood inflames women, Studies

    Request for virgin blood inflames women 18 September 2013

    The Peking University Cancer Hospital, China called for blood samples from virgins in the age group of 18 to 24 to conduct studies on the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) that usually spreads with sexual contacts. The hospital’s request was condemned...

    Keywords: Kanyadan, Virgin blood samples, Request for virgin blood inflames women, HPV studies in China

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    poly technic, hall ticket, kcr doing his higher studies, Studies

    KCR doing his higher studies 16 April 2015

    KCR , the honorable Chief Minister of Telangana is ruling well, all his programs are successful and also receiving huge applause from the state people. I don't understand why he is still trying to go for higher education. Which job...

    Keywords: Vizag, poly technic, Vizag, hall ticket

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    sleeping during day time, sleep intervention, day nap can boost memory, Studies

    Day nap can boost memory 24 January 2015

    A study revealed that day napping in middle aged people will result in boosting their memory and protects it declined but given a regular night time sleep too. The study was carried out Baylor's University researchers and one of them...

    Keywords: sleep medications, day sleeping, sleep deprivation, day sleeping

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    fee reimbursement in Telangana, fee reimbursement in Telangana, ts local status compulsory for studies and jobs, Studies

    TS local status compulsory for studies and jobs 28 September 2015

    The Telangana state (TS) government is setting up unique rules to determine the local status of the individuals, so that every local person, would be benefitted.   Regarding this, the government is concentrating on the fee reimbursement scheme first. The students...

    Keywords: TS local status, Telangana local status, local status for Telangana jobs, Telangana local status

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    palestinians, geological studies., efforts begin to revive dead sea, Studies

    Efforts begin to revive Dead sea 30 August 2013

    A formulated method  to link the Red Sea with the shrinking Dead Sea could save it from total evaporation at the same time bring desalinated water to thirsty neighbours Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians. Yet environmentalists warn that the "Red-Dead"...

    Keywords: bonding red sea with dead sea, desalinated water, palestinians, desalinated water

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    TRS wins survey, Center of Sephalogy Studies, trs still more popular than tdp congress survey, Studies

    TRS Still More Popular Than TDP, Congress: Survey 22 October 2016

    Although opposition parties such as Congress and Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has been continuously attacking the Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) for farmers’ suicides as well as poor relief work during the torrential rains, according to a survey, it has been...

    Keywords: Congress, Congress, TRS, Center of Sephalogy Studies

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    Menstruation research, Menstruation articles, tips to manage period pain during work or travel, Studies

    Tips to manage period pain during work or travel 31 January 2022

    Tips to manage period pain during work or travel:- Menstruation is not the same for everyone. Some of them hardly experience pain during periods while some of them suffer badly during their menstrual periods. The mild pain is normal for...

    Keywords: Menstruation research, Menstruation doctors, Menstruation tips, Menstruation breaking news

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    most common dreams, most common dreams, who wants it more, Studies

    Who wants it more 13 July 2013

    There have been plenty of studies over the years trying to decipher if men think more about making love. As more and more research on this piles up, it's becoming obvious that there is no need to stereotype men and...

    Keywords: Making love, dreams about intimacy, dream research, men dreams

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    , , naidu sends lokesh for higher studies, Studies

    Naidu sends Lokesh for higher studies! 23 November 2015

    News: Nara Lokesh into Modi’s cabinet! Just like father sending son for the higher studies.By Phani Ch

    Keywords: , , ,

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    indian business school, premier indian business school, n shiva kumar an inspiration for the humankind, Studies

    N Shiva Kumar: an inspiration for the humankind! 25 May 2013

    Shiva Kumar cracked one of India's toughest entrance exams to get into the premier Indian business school – the IIM's. N Shiva Kumar is one blissful soul who never in his wildest dreams imagined of being splashed on the front...

    Keywords: charitable institution., iim, premier indian business school, computer-science

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    University of Sydney, University of Sydney, cleaner teeth not a sign of good health, Studies

    Cleaner teeth not a sign of good health 30 September 2013

    If researchers are to be believed, having too clean teeth signifies a negative turn of events in dietary habits. To make it simple, evolving diets and simplified food have robbed our oral cavities of many friendly bacteria. Lesser bacterial variety...

    Keywords: cause of oral diseases, University of Adelaide, University of Sydney, Dietary changes and oral diseases

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