A study revealed that day napping in middle aged people will result in boosting their memory and protects it declined but given a regular night time sleep too. The study was carried out Baylor's University researchers and one of them added, “As people grow older, they wake up more at night and have less deep sleep and dream sleep - both of which are important for overall brain functioning.”
For this study, the research team did an extensive review of approximately 200 studies measuring sleep and mental functioning. The researchers divided the participants aged 18 to 29 were categorised as young; aged 30 to 60 as middle-aged; and older than 60 as old. They were asked how many hours they sleep, how long it took them to go to sleep, how often they woke up in the middle of the night and how sleepy they feel during day time.
This study also had a connection with the results from numerous brain-wave studies and experiments dealing with sleep deprivation, napping and sleep intervention such as sleep medications.