Michelle obama s

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  • reggie brown spoofing psy, gangnam style parody, it s now obama gangnam style video goes viral on youtube, Michelle obama s

    It's now Obama 'Gangnam Style'; Video goes viral on Youtube 03 December 2012

    Singer Reggie Brown, a self proclaimed  impersonator of American President Barack Obama, has made a parody version of  K-pop star Psy's 'Gangnam Style' featuring himself as Obama. The video has got over six million views on Youtube as of now....

    Keywords: michele obama look alike, gangnam style parody version, reggie brown spoofing psy, sobama gangnam style

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    Obama and  First Lady on date night at Indian eatery, First Lady Michelle Obama, obama and first lady on date night at indian eatery, Michelle obama s

    Obama and First Lady on date night at Indian eatery 09 August 2013

    The Obamas are kicking off their vacation a few days early, accompanying date night at a restaurant near the White House. President Barack Obama along with First Lady Michelle Obama arrived on Thursday evening in formal attire at Rasika, an...

    Keywords: President Barack Obama, White House, First Lady Michelle Obama, Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

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    Barack Obama, International news, us president obama to split with michelle, Michelle obama s

    US President Obama to split with Michelle? 18 January 2014

    President of United States Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama are likely to end their relation after Obama's tenure as President. According to a Washington daily 'National Enquirer', Michelle approached lawyers recently for divorce however she is will wait...

    Keywords: White House, US President Obama, White House, Obama to split with wife Michelle

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    young and energetic looks 2010, Michelle Obama’s, michelle obama great lookz, Michelle obama s

    Michelle Obama great Lookz 27 October 2010

    Pair A-Line Skirts with Cardigans : This is the picture of sleek sophistication, and the cardigan-pencil skirt combo will work for many different occasions. A silk tank underneath your cardigan will take this look from day to night. Healthy Lookz...

    Keywords: young and energetic looks 2010, Politician’s spouses, Politician’s spouses, Michelle looks stunning

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    nelson mandela's family, nelson mandela's 95th birthday, celeberating nelson mandela s 95th birthday, Michelle obama s

    Celeberating Nelson Mandela's 95th birthday 18 July 2013

    US President Barack Obama along with first lady Michelle Obama are sending their wishes as well as prayers to former South African leader Nelson Mandela on his 95th birthday. The prominent fact known that Mr Mandela is critically ill in...

    Keywords: nelson mandela, lady michelle obama, south african leader, south african leader

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    Forbes Woman, 7th most powerful woman, sonia world s 7th most powerful woman, Michelle obama s

    Sonia, world’s 7th most powerful woman 25 August 2011

    Congress party president Sonia Gandhi was ranked No. 7 in the Forbes list of the most powerful women of the world. German Chancellor Angela Merkel topped the Forbes list while Indra Nooyi, the CEO of PepsiCo US, also made it...

    Keywords: powerful women, 7th most powerful woman, powerful women, Congress party president Sonia Gandhi

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    joe biden, ashton kutcher, michelle obama s private data made public by hackers, Michelle obama s

    Michelle Obama's private data made public by hackers 13 March 2013

    The investigations on the newest "exposes" in the US are going high with the private and financial data's of Who's Who in the US being leaked online for public viewership. This included the details of the First Lady Michelle Obama,...

    Keywords: www.exposed.su, robert muller, robert muller, FBI director

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    US prasident Barrak obama, AP headlines, mr president does not favour the kardashian show, Michelle obama s

    Mr. President does not favour the Kardashian show 20 October 2011

    Well would you believe this, you have got to!! Because the stunning revelations are from none other than the first lady about her hubby, the US President Barrack Obama. In a new interview with Michelle Obama has forever altered how...

    Keywords: Telugu news papers, Andhra, Kardashineshow, Kardashianshow

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    Narendra Modi, weaving community, michelle obama to be presented 100 saris, Michelle obama s

    Michelle Obama to be presented 100 saris 23 January 2015

    The United State President Barack Obama will land in Delhi on Sunday night along with the US first lady Michelle Obama. While Mr. Obama will be having a hectic schedule, Michelle Obama's presence is going to be a good fortune...

    Keywords: Michelle Obama, weaving community, Michelle Obama, Barack Obama India tour

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    Michelle Obama, Michelle Obama, nikki haley skips white house dinner to meet friends, Michelle obama s

    Nikki Haley skips White House dinner to meet friends 29 February 2012

    South Carolina’s Indian-American Republican Governor Nikki Haley criticised President Barack Obama’s “failure to handle America”, but said “personal plans” kept her and husband Michael from attending Sunday’s White House dinner. Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama host the dinner annually...

    Keywords: Business, NRIs, National Governors Association conference, education

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