It might be hard to believe but we can be refreshed each day and experience the joy of a new beginning. The word of God say that His mercy is new, not renewed as if it had to be warmed over, no, His mercy is new every morning and great is His faithfulness for it endures forever.
If His mercy were new, every morning then that would mean that we can be refreshed each day but why are we not refreshed each day? I believe that there are three reasons why we are not refreshed and it is because we have not forgiven ourselves, we have not forgiven others that have hurt us and we have not let go of the things in the past that did not work out for us.
We must forgive ourselves otherwise we will always be under condemnation and it will stop the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives. How can we hear God if we are under condemnation? We cannot because we are under a cloud and cannot see the light of day. Romans 8:1 say there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Notice the scripture said now and the reason for that is because Jesus has already died for every sin that we have done or what we will do. He has justified us with His blood before the Father in Heaven in order for us to have a new beginning each day. He has forgiven us so what hinders us from forgiving ourselves are we greater than He is? Of course not, so to live in refreshing we need to just accept what He has done for us and forgive ourselves.
Another reason why we do not live in refreshing is that we have not forgiven others who have hurt us. In Matthew 6:14-15 Jesus said for if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your Heavenly Father forgive your trespasses. Bear in mind that we can forgive others but remain under condemnation ourselves but Jesus would forgive us however, if we do not forgive others, we will not be forgiven. It is important to forgive others in order to have God's mercy and His mercy is His unmerited favor but we will not receive it if we do not forgive others.
The third reason why we may not live a new beginning each day is that we have not let go of things that did not work in our past. Each day is a gift from God with His mercy in it so we need to let go of the past because if we do not it will poison our future.
We should let go of the past so that we can enjoy today. God orders the steps of a righteous man so if something did not work out in our past it might not have been in His plan for us. If something did not work out for us most likely God have a greater plan in mind for us but if we are looking back at what did not work, we will not be able to see what ahead for us. Regret has never brought joy to anyone.