(Image source from: India.com)
Second Student May Be Involved In Pradyuman Murder, Says CBI:- According to sources, in the case involving the murder of Class II student, Pradyuman Thakur of Gurgaon’s Ryan International School, the role of second student is being probed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
On September 8, Pradyuman was found dead inside the toilet of the Ryan International School, Gurgaon, with his throat slit. According to the CBI sources, the second student is said to have accompanied the arrested student of Class 11.
After the CBI trashed the probe by the Gurgaon police, the cold-blooded murder of the seven-year-old Pradyuman took a new dimension on Wednesday. Moreover, the bus conductor who was arrested with the charges of murder and sexual assault was given a clean chit by the CBI.
A juvenile was arrested by the investigating agency, who produced him before the Juvenile Justice Board on Thursday. For three days, the teen was sent to the CBI custody. Moreover, the veracity of gardener and PT teacher's statement given to local police, is also being verified by the CBI, said the sources.
The CBI, on Thursday, also told the juvenile court that the Class 11 student had confessed to killing Pradyuman, in the presence of his father and other witnesses. In order to postpone the parents-teachers meeting and the exams, the accused committed the crime, said the CBI.
Meanwhile, Pradyuman’s family demanded that the juvenile be tried as an adult and must be hanged to death.
On Thursday, the Gurgaon Police Commissioner Sandeep Khirwar defended their investigation very neatly. He said that the case was handed over to the CBI at a very initial stage and it was not concluded at that time. On September 22, the Gurgaon police handed over the case to the CBI.
Khirwar said that to save the culprit, they were not under any pressure and asserted that they did "honest attempt to bring justice to the family".