Second Student May Be Involved In Pradyuman Murder, Says CBI 10 November 2017
Second Student May Be Involved In Pradyuman Murder, Says CBI:- According to sources, in the case involving the murder of Class II student, Pradyuman Thakur of Gurgaon’s Ryan International School, the role of second student is being probed by the...
Keywords: Class 11 Student, Ryan Murder Case, Ryan Murder Case, Pradyuman Thakur
Read MoreClass XI Boy Confesses To Killing Pradyuman, Says CBI 09 November 2017
Class XI Boy Confesses To Killing Pradyuman, Says CBI:- The murder of a class II student of Ryan International School is taking new twists and turns. In a recent development in the case, the class XI student of the same...
Keywords: CBI, CBI, Ryan International School, Pradyuman Thakur Murder
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