Tamil actor Karthi is one of the most sought after actors even in Tollywood given the huge fan base he has on Telugu land. Thanks to his splendid acting skills and story selection that made people even flock to theatres even though his films are dubbed ones. There are, in fact, many films to his credit such as Awaara, Naa Peru Shiva and Shakuni that received critical acclaim.
When asked how he feels to be in Hyderabad, Karthi has said that he loves Hyderabad. In fact, he has even said that Hyderabad is like his second home. Also, he has said that he might have not acted in straight Telugu films but he gave his own voice in all dubbed films. Elucidating why he feels Hyderabad his second home, Karthi said most of his films were being shot in Hyderabad.
Hyderabad people are very welcoming and tagged themselves as sweet when in comes to hospitality. Everything about this city-right from food to lifestyle-everything is so awesome that no one-who visits this place-can't refrain themselves from falling in love with this Nawabi city!
(AW Phani)