(Image source from: Timesofindia.indiatimes.com)
Hyderabad Scientists find new variant for Coronavirus:- The ongoing coronavirus pandemic is making the world sleepless. Crores of people are impacted with coronavirus and the economy of the world is left shattered. The scientists based in Hyderabad have detected a new and milder variant for coronavirus. The scientists of CSIR: Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology found a new variant of coronavirus told a top official from the institute. The director CSIR, Rakesh Mishra told that the new variant looks milder that the current coronavirus and they are increasing the research on it in India. The scientists told that this is not a fresh type.
"It is N440 K. It is a different variant. This is there for some time. This N440 K was a very small number in September and October last year. Now it looks like it is getting a much bigger proportion. No symptoms issues with N440 K" told Mishra in a statement. He said that this new variant turned normal or the earlier variant may have turned weaker. He said that the virus is not equal when the symptoms are taken into consideration. The scientists say that they do not have enough data for the new variant as of now and a good clarity will be attained in the coming weeks. This new variant is witnessed in Hyderabad and other Southern states. The cases too did not increase after the new variant is traced.