Nirbhaya's Mother Starts an Online Petition to Urge Narendra Modi
December 12, 2019 18:58
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Nirbhaya's Mother Starts an Online Petition to Urge Narendra Modi:- December 16th marks seven years of the brutal rape and murder of Nribhaya, a physiotherapy student. Her mother Asha Devi started an online petition urging Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to expedite the case. “Before being called India’s Daughter, she was my child. Next Monday, 16th December will mark 7 years since she was gang-raped by 5 brutes before she died of her injuries. 4 of them were later sentenced to death. I have waited with dignity for justice all these years. Now with the case dragging on and on, I am tired. My patience has run out. But I won’t be able to rest until my daughter’s killers are punished,” said Asha Devi through the petition.
Asha Devi wants Narendra Modi to speed up the process and deliver justice at the earliest. She reminded that seven years passed and the accused are still yet to be punished. She said that it is the hope that kept her going. “I want the government to know that we are not alone. Millions of Indians like you are tired of waiting,” said Asha Devi. The petition started two weeks ago on and it has over 45,000 signatures signed. The four accused were sentenced to death but they are yet to be hanged.