In the wake of bomb blasts in Dilsukhnagar area of Hyderabad, the city police have started surveying each and every area to ensure that there's no scope for any untoward incident again. With news that Begumbazaar area is the next target of terrorists, heavy security forces have been deployed in that area. In fact, Begum Bazaar reportedly came under complete control of the police.
Since it was also ascertained that Dilsukhnagar blasts were carried out at a lodge in Dilsukhnagar area, the city police are now making sure that no strangers are in lodges in twin cities. To ensure the same, they have carried out searches at various hotels and lodges across the city. Also, they told the lodge owners not to let anyone occupy the room if they don't provide complete details.
Now that Hyderabad came under complete control of the police, one need not worry about law and order or get carried away by rumours.
(AW Phani)