Tollywood actor and TDP leader Balakrishna has today met the victims of Dilsukhnagar bomb blasts in Hyderabad of Andhra Pradesh. Mr Balakrishna, who has reportedly plunged into active politics, was recently touring several parts of the state and demanded an explanation from NTR for his photos being used in YSRC flexis. After that issue curtained, probably this is the first time that Balakrishna has appeared in the news.
The two victims of blasts, who are still undergoing treatment, got a chance to see Balakrishna. One Shravani, the victim had a pleasant smile on her face-despite the apparent pain in her that she was bedridden for no fault of hers-the moment Balakrishna touched her head with grace as a token of warmth. Notably, today is TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu's birthday. On this occasion, Balakrishna had cut the cake with visually challenged people and shared his happiness.
(AW Phani)