The Andhra Pradesh High Court has granted anticipatory bail to Circle Inspector Srinivas, who was suspended from his services in connection with CBI JD Laskhminarayana call date leak case. Also, another two suspects in the case were granted anticipatory bails. The High Court has expressed its anguish questioning whether there was no better case for CID for investigating the issue. The court questioned the Central Bureau of Investigation as to what wrong it would be in case call data list was given. However, the court said the complainant can file a defamation case.
The anticipatory bail was granted on the three on the condition that each of them should submit Rs.10,000 as a personal bond. The court has also said that the trio should surrender themselves to the justice on September 13. It may be recalled that CID has been probing the case of unauthorized collection of call data list of CBI JD Lakshminarayana.
(AW Phani)