Well it is just irony when critics feel that the Kapu community is clinging on for more berths in the cabinet. Today the situation has turned out that most of the backward castes are getting recognized as Kapus. So Kapu is not a domain of exclusive Kapus, but a conglomerate of various subcastes like Balija, Telagas, Jaddus, Munnuru Kapus, Turpu Kapus, Ontaris and more. As per the recent census the Kapus conglomerate consists of 34 percent of the state population. So right now with just seven in the cabinet, how does this affect the caste equation in the cabinet, is what the caste elite feel.
Right now the seven ministers in the cabinet, for the information of the general public, are, Botcha Satyanarayana (he is a Turpu Kapu and BC).Then there are Kanna Lakshminarayana (housing), Thota Narasimham (stamps registration), Vatti Vasant Kumar (tourism) and Pithani Satyanarayana (social welfare). Pithani belongs to Setti Balija community. From Telangana, there are two Munnuru Kapu ministers, Danam Nagender (labour) and Ponnala Lakshmaiah (information technology). So an addition of another two of the Praja Rajyam men as requested by the party Chief Chiranjeevi will never alter the scales in a cabinet of 38 ministers, including the Chief Minister N. Kiran Kumar Reddy.
In spite of support as per the understanding, the PRP men were to get berths long time back, but the ruling government dilly dallied, till the merger was completed. Then some started opposing the induction PRP legislator C Ramachandraiah, at least PRP legislator Ganta Srinivasa Rao, had no controversies on his nomination. Some say the ruling party does not want prominence given to its own Kapu key functionary and the best way would be to delay the entry of PRP into the cabinet.
At this moment only one issue that shoots to limelight is, the government wants support of PRP, but wants the party to stay away from any ministerial aspirations. How ironical is the stands of the Congress!! This is visible to the general public and this could be devastating for the image of the party in the forth coming elections. Well at least diplomacy is not cunningness and silence must not be treated as incapability!!!