After its failure to get the Lok Pal Bill passed by the Rajya Sabha last night , the Government today announced that the Lok Pal and Lokayukta Bill 2011 was still alive and would be passed by the upper house in the budget session of the parliament
Minister of State for Personnel V Narayana Swamy told journalists in Delhi that members have proposed 187 amendments to the Bill and some of them have been contradictory.
“We will study all the amendments proposed by the opposition parties and then decide on the proposals to be accepted. After a thorough scrutiny, the cabinet will take a final call,” he said.
The minister said some have suggested adding certain proposals to parts of a clause and some suggested removal of certain parts of the Bill totally. “They are running contradictory and overlapping each other,” he said, adding a careful study of the amendments was needed.
He said the Bill would continue to be on the register of the Rajya Sabha and be placed in the upper house in March in the budget session. The Lok Pal bill was already passed by the Lok Sabha thought it failed to get statutory status. (JUBS)