Hong Kong, which is one of Asia's wealthiest cities has home which is a mansion with an expansive view from the heights of Victoria Peak. But when it comes to the poorest, like Leung Cho-yin, home takes place of a metal cage which are stacked on top of each other, measure 1.5 square meters (16 square feet). To keep bedbugs away, Leung and his roommates put thin pads, bamboo mats, even old linoleum on their cages' wooden planks instead of mattresses.
Moreover, the 67-year-old former butcher pays 1,300 Hong Kong dollars ($167) a month for one of about a dozen wire mesh cages resembling rabbit hutches crammed into a dilapidated apartment in a gritty, working-class West Kowloon neighbourhood.
Leung expresses that he have been bitten so much that he got used to it, while rolling up the sleeve of his oversized blue fleece jacket to reveal a red mark on his hand and says that there's nothing he can do about it as he have got to live here even though he is fighting for his survival.
In fact, 100,000 people in the former British colony live in what's known as inadequate housing, according to the Society for Community Organization, a social welfare group
he concludes saying that they are Forced by luxurious housing prices to live in cramped, dirty and unsafe conditions, their plight also highlights one of the biggest headaches facing Hong Kong's unpopular Beijing-backed leader a growing public rage over the city's housing crisis.
For the wealthy it's healthy but for the poor it's sick!
(AW:Samrat Biswas)