A Delhi Court had awarded seven years of rigorous imprisonment to a 57-year old man for raping his own niece and scarring her chastity, dignity, honor and reputation.
The sessions judge at the court, Vijay Kumar said, "A rapist not only causes physical injuries but more indelibly leaves a scar on the most cherished possession of a woman i.e. her dignity, honour, reputation and not the least her chastity," on Saturday and had awaded the 7 year RI punishment to the accused Mahesh Goel for raping the girl.
Based on the statement from the victim and other witnesses the accused, Goel, was charged with rape of a minor girl and also kidnapping her.
"It is evident that the convict treated the prosecutrix only as an object to fulfill his sexual desire. The offence committed by the convict is too heinous and, therefore, he does not deserve any leniency," the court said. It added that the rape was not only a crime against the girl but also a black mark on the entire society.
He was additionally fined Rs 12,000 as a fine for the abominable, serious and heinous crime.
A complaint was lodged by the father of the victim in December 2010 that his daughter was missing from 10 days. He also mentioned that Goel could be a suspect.
The police later arrested Goel after rescuing the girl.
(AW- Anil)