14 spies from Pakistan were either neutralized or arrested in the different states of the country in the past 3 years according to the government's announcement on Tuesday. Along with them there were 49 Indian spies who were also arrested for similar deeds of espionage in the same duration. A total of 63 spies were arrested.
Minister of state for Home Jitendra Prasad in his missive said that 53 of the 63 agents were in the borders. (Rajasthan-9, Himachal Pradesh-3, Uttar Pradesh-5, Punjab-24, Jammu and Kashmir-1, Maharashtra-1, Tripura-2, Bihar-1 and Uttarakhand-3). And most of them, 49 members belonged to India while the rest were from Pakistan.
Further revealing the statistics he said that in 2009 there were 26 arrests while the number dropped to 18 in 2010 and further lowered in 2011 to 14. In 2012 as of yet until August 20 only five people were arrested. Three of the 63 agents were also involved in crimes such as possession of fake currency and illegal arms.
A biramous approach had been suggested by the Government which is a coordinated approach for the problem of such activities of spying which would include enhancement the security of the border to counter the illegal trespassing in the borders and up scaling the weapons, communications and the police and security forces.
(AW- Anil)