The Republican and presidential hopeful Mitt Romney had blundered while he had offered his respects and tributes to those affected by the gurudwara shootings in Wisconsin at a fundraiser in Iowa by mispronouncing Sikh temple by saying Sheik Temple.
The Arabic Honorific term a homonym to the religion Sikh had created a confusion in Mitt Romney's speech when he was talking about sheik people instead of Sikh people. At Chicago prior to the incident he had spoken the word rightly when he observed silence at an event in Illinois. The slip of tongue had occurred in West Des Moines, Iowa. "We had a moment of silence in honour of the people who lost their lives at that sheik templeā, he said after which he added that it is a tragedy for more than one reason.
Ignorant of his mistake he continued to make the same mistake again while continuing the discourse, "Among them are the fact that people, the sheik people, are among the most peaceable and loving individuals you can imagine, as is their faith." Rick Gorka had later spoke for him saying that it was a mispronunciation and apologized for the mistake.
(AW- Anil )