The Student-urine cases took a stunning turn as the three teachers involved in this case, recorded in the Perambalur village of the Kumbakonam, were arrested on Friday in Tamil Nadu. The three teachers were arrested for caning the class IX student. Nevertheless, the statements recorded by the teachers proved the student wrong. Earlier the student alleged that he was forced to drink his urine and was beaten severely for asking a loo-break in the study hour. However, investigations proved that the student had made false allegations on the urine affair.
The Chief Educational Officer of Perambalur district, Ms Mallika who conducted an enquiry told media that the "teachers have confessed to have beaten up the boy ". She said, "According to the teachers the boy used Hans, a tobacco product on campus; he was warned twice but despite that he continued to bring it to school and even encouraged other students to use it". This, the teachers told her, "angered" them. The student who suffered severe bruises is undergoing treatment at a hospital in Kumbakonam.
Corporal punishments have been scorned down by the educational authorities, yet seem to be dominant in private schools. However, recent incidents prove that even government schools are adopting the methods. In this case, instead of reacting in this manner the teachers could have reported the matter to the parents of the boy. (With inputs from internet- AW AarKay)