A few motormen said that they were going on the strike as they had improper working conditions coupled with extreme rules which made them unhappy but there is another tacit reason for the agitation. Recently two of their 'rebel' colleagues were to be appointed as the instructors at Mahalaxmi Traning School.
The motormen were cited that this likely selection of two of their candidates, Anil Kumar Dwivedi and Ajay Bharatwal for the position instructor at the training school was not impartial. 13 members qualified the tests for the position but only these two were selected as they had few good marks on their confidential reports which they earned because they had not participated in a rebellion in the past according to B C Sharma, a member of the Western Railway Motormen Association WRMA. He also added that the others were deprived of their chances intentionally by awarding them poor grades.
However, many others of the WRMA, begged to differ by saying that the strike was intended to fight against the worsening conditions of the WR. They have recently tried to make more profits under the pretense of increasing the services to the public. But in reality they have increased the length to 15 cars only at the cost of the security to the commuters. The recent accident in Andheri exemplifies the need to increase the security. VRMA had also demanded that the workers should be given one day off per week.
However the strike was called off after a representative from the WRMA union met the railway manager of the division, Sandeep Silar. The railway officials have not conceded to their demands but they said that they would be looked into very soon.
AW- Anil