Motormen strike

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  • motormen, Churchgate, physically handicapped had to walk 12 km due to motormen strike, Motormen strike

    Physically Handicapped had to walk 12 km due to motormen strike 21 July 2012

    Mumbaikars had a bad time on Friday following the motormen strike but the influence of the strike on Krishna Kumar, a 20 year old lad suffering from polio had been the worst. The physically challenged man was challenged further with...

    Keywords: Fellowship of the Physically Handicapped, Fellowship of the Physically Handicapped, motormen, Mumbai Central

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    , railway manager, real cause for motormen strike was the promotion of 2 colleagues, Motormen strike

    Real cause for motormen strike was the promotion of 2 colleagues 21 July 2012

    A few motormen said that they were going on the strike as they had improper working conditions coupled with extreme rules which made them unhappy but there is another tacit reason for the agitation. Recently two of their 'rebel' colleagues...

    Keywords: railway manager, motormen strike, railway manager, railway manager

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