Amarnath shrine in Jammu and Kashmir has been opened for devotees. The Amarnath Yatra has started on June 25 and will conclude on August 2. Amarnath Shivaling is an ice lingam, which formes on its own every year in a small cave. A large number of devotees consider it as holy and mandatory to pay obeisance at this shrine. Just like every year, this year too sea of devotees flocked the temple. The temple authorities said that so far more than two lakh devotees visited Amarnath shrine and the number will shot up in next three weeks.
Amarnath yatra is an annual pilgrimage and legend states that it has been followed since time immemorial. The legend has it that Lord Shiva told Goddess Parvathi about the secret of universe at this shrine. There are also two other ice formations in the cave, which are said to be representations of Maa Parvathi and Lord Ganesh.
AW Phani