Incredibly true, a muslim woman working in the popular Malaysian NTV7 as news anchor was ordered to grow back her hair if she wanted to continue. Ras Adiba Mohd Radzi had a clean shave to support cancer awareness. But her noble gesture resulted in huge loss and insecurity in life. On one side she lost her job while on the other she reported that she received threatening calls from unknown. The callers abused her for defying a 'fatwa' prohibiting women from shaving their head, said the former anchor to local media reported today.
Ras Adiba, who works on a freelance basis for NTV7, cropped her hair on Friday last to show solidarity with The National Cancer Council cancer awareness campaign. However, NTV7 found her new look too much to handle, ruling that she could no longer appear on air until her hair grows back to an acceptable length, Star newspaper said. She was told that once her hair had grown, she could resume her part-time position as newscaster, as per sources. (With inputs from internet- AW AarKay)