Split ends... the biggest problem that affects your hair's beauty and leads to hair dullness, hair loss... you might have tried everything to treat split ends and might have also gone for hair cut... why don't you try these out??? They might help you in treating split ends naturally;
Papaya is not only a great remedy to treat marks on your skin, but a medicine for split ends... take half ripe papaya, skin and deseed it. Blend it into a pulp and add half a cup of yogurt to it. Mix the both, and apply a creamy layer onto your hair. Let the mixture get into the roots and the splits of your hair for a while and rinse with warm water... try doing this at least once in 15 days... you will see the better results...
This could be an age old tip to treat split ends, but this actually works... take half cup of milk and mix a table spoon of cream it... blend this mixture and apply to your hair, leave it for 15 minutes before wash... you can see your splits reducing gradually.
Honey and curd can definitely do wonders in reducing the splits of your hair. Take good quantity of curd and mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of honey in it, apply on your hair thoroughly... after 30 minutes, rinse with warm water... you can really find not only your splits reducing but this tip can also help your hair getting conditioned...
Above all, remember one hard and fast rule for avoiding splits... never rinse your hair with hot water... when it comes to head bath, always better to prefer warm water bath in order to avoid hair damage...