The sources said that self styled godman Nithyananda has surrended himself before the police at Bididi ashram in Ramnagara district court in Karnataka at around 03. 30 PM on Wednesday. Nithyananda apparently surrended his arrest became inevitable with Karnataka High Court deferring a plea filed by the so called godman asking the court for quashing FIR filed agasint him in connected with a scuffle that took place between his followers and a vernacular newschannel reporter on Friday at a press conference.
Nithyananda has been remanded to judicial custody for a day. It is known that Karanataka chief minister Sadananda Gowda on Monday said Nithyananda would be arrested in two days after he held a high level police meeting on the allegations that a US based woman levelled against Nithyananda while giving an interview to a vernacular channel. Apart from this the police filed criminal charges on Nithyananda acting on the complains filed by the news reporter.